Nothing prerecorded. One to One teaching in real time
(Usui Reiki Master is a pre requisite. Book a date to suit you.)
Egyptian Sekhem
The ‘Power of Powers’
A doorway to another Multidimensional realm
Takes you beyond time & space & vibrates deeply
in your being -
The highest levels of your DNA template are activated
Leave karma and the accumulated debris of the ages behind
Unlike Reiki it heals on all levels at once
Learn Ancient Egyptian healing skills
EGYPTIAN SEKHEM is an ancient system of wisdom as taught in the temples of early Egyptian civilisations.
Sekhem is an intelligent energy that guides us with an awe-inspiring speed, precision and strength to the root cause of any problem or issue we are working with.
It connects with and clears the physical, emotional, mental and subtle spiritual bodies with an incredible completeness addressing the deep aspects of cause.
It helps release thoughts and core beliefs held in our subtle bodies that create symptoms of blockage and disease in our physical form, while at the same time it rebalances our energy systems and fills us with light and wisdom.
One of the very powerful ways in which E. Sekhem aids us in our personal growth is by connecting us to the universal energies of destruction and regeneration. Life is cyclical and an essential part of growth is the destruction of the old, that which no longer serves, so that space is made for the new to be built on a better, more solid foundation.
In ancient Egypt, Sekhem was associated with the primordial goddess Sekhmet, believed by the Egyptians to be the goddess of healing and destruction. Sekhem is an extremely powerful, yet loving and gentle energy that opens our heart center to more unconditional love, joy and compassion, and allows us to bring forth our inner truth and vision.
The word Sekhem means ‘spiritual might’ or authority’ as there is a very deep spiritual foundation and aspect to this energy. Egyptian Sekhem builds on whatever ‘God" means to you. Sekhem comes to us via the star system Sirius and then to Egypt and Atlantis, for both were colonies of Lemuria. The star system Sirius stands in a parental aspect to planet earth and mankind for they helped in the creation of human beings. Sekhem carries that very ‘high vibrational frequency and distinctive pattern of the Sirian energy.
Egyptian Sekhem the culmination of millennia of learning, growth and dedication. It is a doorway to another realm; multidimensional, beyond all time. Through Sekhem you may leave karma and the accumulated debris of the ages behind. It can take you beyond time and space. It vibrates deeply into the core of your being. The Sekhem attunements activate the higher levels of vibrational light in your DNA making it possible for you to continue to use this higher energy within you. Sekhem operates in a different way from any Reiki system. Reiki systems operate on one wave of energy or light vibration. Sekhem uses multiple waves of energy and light simultaneously. This makes it unique at this moment on Earth. It works on all levels of your being simultaneously. When you surrender to its knowing miracles can happen.
This includes FULL 20-30 minute Ceremonial Attunements ,
practices, meditations, exercises and teaching for Levels 1and 2,
comprehensive manuals, certificates, refreshments
Egyptian Sekhem Level One Class: normally £125 *
The Level One attunement is an empowering ritual that opens and clears the energy centres and connects the initiate to the Source at a very high level. The course teaches students how to give full Egyptian Sekhem Healing treatments. Sekhem is the Egyptian word for ‘Power of Powers’. It is strong yet gentle and differs from the Reiki energy in as much that it heals on many levels at once, and no ‘Healing Crisis’ is experienced. Manual and certificate are included.
Egyptian Sekhem Level Two: normally £150*
This course develops and expands upon all the skills and energies brought forth in Level 1. Techniques for releasing mental, emotional and physical blocks are taught, and further applications of the Energy are included, which are unavailable elsewhere. Manual and certificate are included.
Egyptian Sekhem Advanced Level: £195*
This course provides much more advanced elements, symbols and Attunement to the power of Sekhem.
Building on Levels 1 & 2, the Advanced Training concentrates on aligning to the core of the Sekhem energy. Techniques for viewing auras, scanning the body for energy imbalances and focusing on the Mind and Heart Centres allows the student to access the eternal NOW.
Further Egyptian applications, some rarely viewed or experienced for thousands of years, are taught.
Egyptian Sekhem Master Level: £250*
Great power comes with great responsibility!
The reality is that Mastery is the beginning of the journey as opposed to the end point.
Egyptian Sekhem gives you the tools to extend your knowledge, awareness and experience further.
There is no doubt that Mastery opens doors, indeed it can also close a few as well. New experiences and challenges will inevitably come as a result of the decision to accept Sekhem Mastery.
The acceptance of the responsibility as a result of the ensuing consequences is the true indication of mastery.
Every experience has shaped and formed who you are, your values and beliefs, your idiosyncrasies, your style and character. The Sekhem Mastery course builds upon these foundations; deeply impacting and spiritually energising. With this are aligned the tools to dispel and move on from any perceived negativity from the past and to secure a positive future.
*( there is a supplement for 1 to 1 classes.)
Egyptian Sekhem TEACHER Level: Please contact Joanne
HTSO Egyptian Sekhem Accredited
Teacher Training Course
Prerequisite: Students must have completed Egyptian Sekhem levels 1, 2, Advanced and Master levels
Email: for dates of upcoming courses.
Egyptian Sekhem Teacher Programme £650.00
(Can be paid by instalments)
An individual consultation
A training workshop including practical experience of giving attunements
and supervised teaching practice.
Attend as many of Joannes workshops as an observer and assistant teacher as you wish.
A Comprehensive Teachers Folder including complete guidelines in detail for teaching each level of workshop
Bullet Point, Workshop Outlines that are easy to follow for every class from level 1 to Master level and guidelines for Reiki refresher evenings and talks
All the exercises and meditations that you need for every class
A Powerpoint Presentation for every class already prepared for you to use. Available soon)
Digital copies of complete student manuals for every level AND if preferred , (so you don't even have to worry about printing, binding, etc) I can provide the manuals and certificates for you when ever you need them. (There is a charge for this)
Course Content
The course is designed to give you the expertise and skills to facilitate workshops in a professional manner and empower you with the confidence to organise and run Egyptian Sekhem workshops at all levels, giving you a comprehensive framework for the successful delivery of Egyptian Sekhem workshops and enabling you to confidently teach much more advanced students.
The topics covered include:
How to structure and prepare the Egyptian Sekhem workshops and talks
How to lead a variety of Egyptian Sekhem meditations, initiations, visualisations and exercises
How to give Egyptian Sekhem Attunements
Background knowledge; The history and origins of Egyptian Sekhem
The Divine Feminine, Egyptian Goddesses and Egyptian Sekhem
Opening and closing ceremonies
Health and safety issues
Meditations, Attunements and Visualisations
Preparations for room, teacher and student
Leading group visualisations and meditations
Individual Egyptian Sekhem Attunements
Setting up activities
Drawing the Egyptian Sekhem symbols
Keeping things relaxed and interesting. Teaching methods and styles suitable for Egyptian Sekhem workshop
Personal Benefits
Provides a powerful opportunity for personal development and advancement on your spiritual journey
Gives you the confidence to organise and facilitate your own workshops, talks and meditations knowing you have the support of your Senior Teacher, Joanne
Provides you with the tools to further raise your own vibration, transform blocked energies,
create and maintain balance within your energy field and enhance your healing abilities.
Providing you with a
Comprehensive Teachers Folder including complete guidelines for teaching each level of workshop, workshop plans for each level and all exercises and meditations
All instructions and training
Supervised practice and practical teaching experience
Teaching Outcomes
This course will enable you to:-
Facilitate your own Egyptian Sekhem workshops
Create and manage a relaxed, productive teaching and learning environment for more advanced students
Use an extensive range of advanced exercises, techniques, attunements and meditations to support your students
Become an Accredited and Affiliated HTSO teacher of Egyptian Sekhem
Please contact Joanne to organise a date to suit you or
check the Events Calendar for dates of the next workshops.