Nothing prerecorded. One to One teaching in real time.
For Dates of Training Workshops go to events page
A "stand alone"Reiki system with UNIQUE symbols and exercises to increase your psychic abilities, tapping into Higher Consciousness and limitless power, living the greatest life possible. A Journey into Higher Consciousness
through Psychic Empowerment & Ascension
ONENESS, Spiritual & Personal Empowerment!This is NOT a "Hands On" system of healing like Usui Reiki. This goes beyond the physical realm and works on the higher, 5th Dimension where all is ONE. That is true "Healing"; being ONE with ALL. Reconnect to your DIVINE SELF
Activate and empower your Psychic Abilities of
Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience,
Claircognisance and more.
Learn how to use them in all aspects of your life.12 CHAKRA Clearing, Balancing & Activating including the Soul Star,
Causal and Stellar Gateway chakras.Metatron, (the Overseeing Light of Psychic Reiki™) is called on to help us reconnect to our spiritual power and learn how to use it to
bring glory to the Divine and make the world a better place.For Dates of Workshops go to events page
Below is a Video Clip from a Psychic Reiki™ talk by Joanne dowsing the three Transpersonal Chakras, Causal, Soul Star and Stellar Gateway.
And using the Divine energy of Psychic Reiki tm to balance and energise them.
12 Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Activation CD
Contact Joanne for digital download @ £10
+44(0)7731354476 email:
Total Running Time 1hour17 mins
Transform the seven major chakras, activate and strengthen
the powerful Transpersonal Chakras & minor chakras.
Connect to the amazing Divine energy of Psychic Reiki™
Unite with your Divine Self, the Angels & Ascended Masters.
Archangel Metatron is called on to help us reconnect to our Spiritual Power.
Aligning your chakras is the key to unlocking deep life-force energy, and tapping into your psychic potential.
Every time you use this CD you will be connected to and benefit from the
amazing Divine energy of Psychic Reiki™.
This Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Activation exercise will not only transform
the seven major chakras within the physical body but also activate and
strengthen four powerful transpersonal chakras which exist
within your energy system, three of which exist outside of the physical body.
Other secondary chakras will also be activated and energised.
Continual, regular use of this CD and the Psychic Reik™ energy
may have an empowering and enhancing effect on all
of your psychic senses and intuitive abilities as wel
l as raising your vibration to that of the 5th dimension.
Every part of your being can benefit at a deep cellular level.
As you are enjoying the transformative energy you will also
benefit from the wealth of information that is presented to you on this CD.
Psychic Empowerment is about the awakening of your
consciousness to its hidden and neglected powers.
This will add to your enjoyment and success in life.
Psychic Reiki™ like all Reiki systems is Divine energy
Clear and strengthen your connection to the Divine and “All that is”
Increase your ability to receive, recognise and
act upon the psychic information you receiveRemoving anything that is blocking the way
Receive an influx of higher vibration energy to enter our system
Reawakening your innate psychic abilities
Restoring your trust iny our Divine selves
Transforming your life
If you are a therapist or healer Psychic Reiki™ can dramatically increase your intuitive awareness so that you can "connect" with the root cause
of your clients "issue" thus enhancing your ability to "Tune In" and target the areas of unease,distress etc and more quickly assist in their resolution.
This powerful system is overseen by the Psychic Reiki™ Guides working under the guidance of Ascended Master Metatron and Archangel Raphael.
Learn how to connect with Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters & Guides
Receive Divine Guidance & Clarity
Develop intuitive self-guidance through
Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognisance,Guided Writing, Dowsing and more
Under the guidance of the Angelic Realms the Psychic Reiki attunements will raise your vibration to the Fifth Dimensional energies preparing you for the dramatic changes happening right now.
Powerful psychic attunements to open and expand your natural abilities.
Psychic Reiki™ enables us to use our intuition to make decisions
that are right for us and to release us from repetitive patterns of behaviour.
Can we all develop our psychic Abilities? Yes!!
With the help of Psychic Reiki tm we can really start to follow our intuition,
our instincts, our feelings and perceptions.
We can connect with the Higher Realms; Angels, Archangels,
Ascended Masters & Guides receiving Divine Guidance & clarity.
It is a natural talent that we all can develop to transform our lives.
Some of the Benefits are:
• Reduces stress and stops unnecessary energy drains
• Increases your effectiveness at work
• Facilitates the decision-making processes
• Enhances your communication with others
• Advances your understanding of yourself
• Enriches your relationships
• Develops intuitive self-guidance
• Improve your health
• Releases fear based decision making processes taken on from parents and society
This powerful system has been developed and is taught by Joanne as a response to requests from many people for self empowerment, love and clarity in their lives.
Psychic Reiki™ Level 1
£110 including a FREE
12 Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Activation CD/ digital download, Manual & Certificate
Work with Archangel METATRON and the Psychic Reiki™ guides Bebub and Safriel.
Learn new techniques, meditations and exercises to increase your ability to become a clear intuitive channel.
Co-Create with the help of the Higher Realms, Ascended Masters, Angels & Archangels.
Raise your vibration to the higher realms of the 5th Dimension.
Understand Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Claircognisance and more.
12 Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Activating including the Soul Star, Causal and Stellar Gateway chakras
Clear your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies so that your intuitive gifts can activate and expand.
Make decisions based on Higher Guidance.
Produce harmony and balance in your complete being, the aura, chakras and physical body by eliminating Psychic Debris i.e. the thoughts, traumas and negative emotions that we have not dealt with or released.
Develop a deeper awareness of yourself, the people in your life and the events and experiences you have and their effects.
What is Psychic Reiki™ all about?
The Psychic Reiki™ Level 1 Attunements
The benefits of Psychic Reiki™
The source of Psychic Knowledge
The Importance of Being Grounded to our Psychic Abilities
Grounding and the Earth Star Chakra
Grounding Methods
Different Types of Psychic Abilities
Psychic Reiki™ Overseeing Light: Archangel METATRON
Psychic Reiki™ Guides, Bebub and Safriel
Our connection to the Universal Energy Field
Chakras involved in psychic communication
Introduction to the Soul Star, Causal and Stellar Gateway chakras
Psychic Reiki™ 12 Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Activating
Protection and Interacting with others
Supporting your Psychic Development
How to Receive Psychic Guidance
Using Psychic Reiki™ when giving Reiki treatments
This is a fully certified course.
All your tuition, attunements, manual, certificate and follow up support are included.
Psychic Reiki™ Level 2:£175
including FREE Psychic Empowerment & Higher Consciousness vol. 1CD/ digital download, Dowsing Pendulum,Laminated Charts, Quartz Crystal,
Manual & Certificate
Available on Amazon for £11:99
Contact Joanne
for digital download @ £10
At this level the strength of the signals will increase.
You will gain more clarity. Information will “down load” faster.
Your Therapy work will benefit from your increased clarity and ability to "Tune In" to your client
Course Outline:
Introduction to and practice with the powerful Psychic Reiki™ symbols.
Use the Psychic Reiki™ channel, guides and Higher Beings to increase your ability to channel HEALING energy of your self and others.
DOWSING:with charts to get more accuracy with psychic information.
Develop deeper psychic links.
Learn all about the Akashic Records,with METATRON
Remote Viewing, Psychometry & More.....
The different levels of consciousness and their importance.
Connect with Archangels, your Guides and Power Animals.
Experience a greater and more powerful opening in your transpersonal Chakras
Connect with the elementals and powerful earth energies.
Connect with the Divine Realms through the Psychic Reiki™ energy, symbols, Guides and Power Animals.
Open powerful channels to work with the Angels, Archangel Raphael and Metatron.
Deep Meditations and powerful exercises to ground, centre, expand and connect with the Divine Intelligence of the earth. Powerful attunements to connect with the Higher vibrational energies and bring through more Divine Light. Getting to know ourselves and what we really want.
Bringing a much more profound awareness to everything we do, everything we believe and who we really think we are.
Clearing and reprogramming the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that are stopping us achieving what we
really want on all levels, health, relationships, work, family, home and play.
Using the Psychic Reiki™ energy, symbols and Guides to powerfully facilitate these processes.
Using dowsing with charts and a pendulum to answer specific questions and obtain clearer guidance from specific sources and through specified channels.
(Advanced Light Worker)
£195 including FREE Psychic Empowerment CD vol. 2/ digital download, Manual & CertificateAvailable on Amazon for £11:99
Contact Joanne for digital download @ £10
Healing with Archangel Raphael, Divine Mother & the Healing Symbol Zerpha
Meditation Symbol: Uniall
Earthbound Spirit Release, clear home & place of work
Spirit attachment Release
Automatic writing/Guided Writing to create your LIFE PLAN
Meditation to connect with Bebub and Safriel
Guardian Angels and Guides
Feeling the Presence of your Angel Guides
Communicating with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Guides
How to See& Sense Spirit Guides, Power Animals & Angels
Create Clear and Powerful Chakras
The Psychic Reiki™ Power Animals & Shamanic Journeying
Symbols and Psychic Guidance
Dreams, Psychic Awareness and Divine Guidance
Includes: Psychic Reiki™ Advanced Attunement
Meditations, exercises and invocations.
Angelic guidance through dowsing
Clearing and reprogramming subconscious beliefs that are blocking you on all levels
abundance, prosperity, spiritual growth, health, relationships, work, family, home and play.
(Content may change depending on Guidance.)
Psychic Reiki™ Level 4 Master £225
( Ascension Master)
A Journey into Higher Consciousness
Astral Travel & Remote Viewing
Psychic Reiki™ Master Symbol
Psychic Reiki™ Overseeing Light: Archangel METATRON
The Akashic Records, enter the Hall of Records
Scanning DNA & Cellular Structure to return your body to your Soul Blueprint
as held in your records in the Halls of Amenti
Clearing and Realigning the Male and Female aspects of our being
Send Past Life Personalities of your spirit into the Light.
Sacred Geometry
Flower of Life & the Tree of Life
Metatron’s Cube
The Merkabah & Connecting to other Dimensions and Higher Levels of Consciousness
Merkabaha Activation to explore higher levels of consciousness
The dysfunctional affect of negative subconscious programming
BALANCING POLARITY & “Lightening Up” Exercises
Cleanse with St Germaine’s Violet Flame
Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945): clairvoyant healer, psychic, medium, devout Christian and prophet,) said that psychic awareness is of the soul and that these abilities are possible only because each of us has an immortal, creative core: a spiritual "body."
One of Cayce's most succinct definitions of psychic development is simply
"the development of the spiritual body".
From Cayce's perspective, the true source of psychic powers is God.
"Psychic awareness is of the soul" also points to our purposes and intentions.
The deepest and most authentic part of us (our soul) has a commitment to love and oneness.
Therefore, psychic abilities naturally come forth as an expression of our oneness, of our connections with “All that is”; the Divine.
What's more, we can expect psychic talents to strengthen as we make a commitment with our conscious selves to be more loving and spiritual.
Our focus should be on the abiding presence of Spirit within and surrounding ourselves.
He also believed that there are certain "rules of living" that have to be followed in order to get the desired results.
“So live in body, in mind, that self may be a channel through which the Creative Forces (God) may run." He goes on to recommend a specific attitude toward life - one in which psychic ability becomes the natural by product of a willingness to have God work through us to help others.
Train to become a fully qualified Psychic Reiki™ TEACHER
Accredited Teacher Training Course
Students must have completed Psychic Reiki levels 1, 2, Advanced and Master levels
Arrange a date!
( This does not include teacher training of new teachers.
See Psychic Reiki™ SENIOR Teacher Programme
(Teacher of Teachers) below)
Psychic Reiki™ Teacher Programme £650.00
(Can be paid by instalments)
An individual consultation
A training workshop including practical experience of giving attunements
and supervised teaching practice.
Attend as many of Joannes workshops as an observer
and assistant teacher as you wish.
A Comprehensive Teachers Folder including complete guidelines in detail
for teaching each level of workshop
Bullet Point, Workshop Outlines that are easy to follow for every class
from Level 1 to Master level and guidelines for
Psychic Reiki™ refresher evenings and talks
All the exercises and meditations that you need for every class.
A Powerpoint Presentation for every class
already prepared for you to use.
Digital copies of complete student manuals for every level
The12 Chakra CD to support your students available
at a reduced price to you as their teacher and as a digital download.
Course Content
The course is designed to give you the expertise
and skills to run your Business and facilitate
in a professional manner.
Empower you with the confidence to organise and run Psychic Reiki™ workshops.
Enable you to help and support both Psychic Reiki groups and individual clients.
Give you a comprehensive framework for delivering Psychic Reiki™ workshops.
Learn how to effectively communicate and develop professional communication skills.
Related support skills e.g. Power Point Presentation skills.
Learning, listening and teaching skills
Preparation to teach and manage workshops
Presentation skills
Training aids
Health and safety
Group dynamics
Managing difficult or disruptive behavior
The topics covered include
How to structure and prepare for Psychic Reiki workshop
Leading exercises to understand, strengthen and benefit from our psychic senses
Connecting with Metatron the Psychic Reiki™ Overseeing Light, Archangel Raphael and the Psychic Reiki™ Angels, Bebub and Safriel
Advanced methods of communicating with Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters
How to lead healing initiations with Archangel Raphael and the Psychic Reiki Angel Guides
Psychic Reiki Power Animals
Opening and closing ceremonies
How to give the Psychic Reiki™ Attunements at all levels
The importance of being grounded and centered
Creating a safe environment
The teacher and the teaching space
Confidentiality and safe sharing
Grounding and Protection
Health and Safety Issues
Meditations and visualisations
Preparation required and their importance
Leading group visualisations and meditation
Setting up activities
Drawing symbols/pictures
Keeping things interesting. The benefit of using a variety of teaching methods and styles
Teaching Outcomes
This course will enable you to:-
Facilitate your own Psychic Reiki™ Workshops in a professional manner
Create and manage a safe teaching and learning environment
Use a broad range of exercises and teaching methods to support your students
Empower others to enhance their use of their psychic senses to connect with the Higher vibration energies, Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters
Psychic Reiki tm Teacher Testimonial
: "Dear Joanne, I am so enjoying teaching Psychic Reiki tm. Each time I take a class the knowing gets a little more. I've taught up to level 3 several times now. I've found the zerpha symbol with Raphael particularly helpful for myself as I found the time running up to Xmas very emotional and I could feel old layers peeling away. It's also been wonderful to see and hear back from students in their journeys with PR and just how transformative it is. I remember you saying at the Ramada show how during your talk you felt just complete unconditional love. I remember one of the classes I had after that there was a tangible energy came into the room. It made everyone quiet. And that's what it was,Unconditional love. Getting these glimpses has been amazing and I am truly grateful to you. I find now the energy of PR, and the archangels are weaving their way into my reiki practice - of course with me but also with clients. I am very aware of stepping back and just letting the energy do what it needs to do." Ruth
Psychic Reiki™ SENIOR Teacher Programme
(Teacher of Teachers) £1,000
An individual training workshop (in person or via video link) preparing you to teach
Psychic Reiki™ Masters to become qualified, confident Psychic Reiki™Teachers.
This includes:
A comprehensive DIGITAL Teachers Folder with all the necessary instructions, charts, printed documents and a PowerPoint presentation for you to teach your student teachers.
A Comprehensive DIGITAL Teachers Folder so that you can print it all out for your student teachers including everything that you received during your own
Psychic Reiki™ teacher training (as detailed above) in DIGITAL form.
By completing your SENIOR Psychic Reiki™TEACHER training with Joanne McMillan you have permission to allow the teachers that you teach to use the manuals, all other printed charts and documents for their students.
PLUS permission to pass on to their students UNLIMITED digital downloads of all three Psychic Reiki™Cds, created by Joanne McMillan
that accompany the classes1 , 2 , Advanced and Master levels.
Please Note: Student Teachers receive everything and have permission to use everything necessary to teach levels 1 , 2 , Advanced and Master level classes e.g. manuals, charts and result tables in Digital form plus digital copies of all three Psychic Reiki™CDs created by Joanne McMillan.
They receive the teacher instructions, outlines for classes, exercises and meditations in PRINTED FORM ONLY. (SENIOR REIKI TEACHERS retain access to the digital copies of
everything necessary to teach teachers.)